More coil keeper uses

The Bowtie Ski Carrier is "Simply The Finest" way to carry your skis and poles

All four sizes of Bowtie Coil Keepers work well to
keep fire gear organized and neat!

2″ Magnum and
2″ Magnum Double D-Ring

For the Heavy Hydraulic Hoses on Rescue Tools

Original 1 1/2″ by 15″

For Chimney Fire
Garden Hose

1 1/2 by 15″ Double D-Ring

For Heavy-Duty Cords
for the Generator

     Coil Keepers used with Jaws.         Coil Keepers used with Chimney Fire Hoses.     Coil Keepers are great for all types of cords.


Great for fan cords Handy in the Station

    Coil Keepers are great for fan cords.       Coil Keepers are handy in the fire station!