Ski Carrier Directions

The Bowtie Ski Carrier is "Simply The Finest" way to carry your skis and poles

A Bowtie Ski Carrier offers the uniquely simple overwrap design which allows you to fasten it "on top of the skis"

The red arrow shows the small strip of elastic that makes the Bowtie Carrier so good at holding it all snug.





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Little things can mean a lot,

That red arrow shows the little strip of strong elastic that holds everything snug.
We also extended the handle strap a bit to produce that little tab on each end.
It is surprisingly helpful when you wrap the hook and loop strap around your skis or skis and poles.
It allows you to pull the hook and loop up until you feel a bit of give from the elastic,
then lets you hold it in place while you bring it down across the handle to secure it,
without having your fingers be in the way

Little things:

The unique overwrap design
The tiny bit of elastic
The extension tabs for holding
The nylon non-slip webbing
The longest adjustable carry handle strap
The self sealing refold design
The three sizes for your needs

All together add up to the simplest way to carry your skis and poles.

For more info click here for "Straight talk about Ski Carriers"

You will like your Bowtie Ski and Pole Carrier, I guarantee it.

A. John Griffin

Click here to find where you can buy
Bowtie Ski carriers.

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